Not too much new in the garden. I have been diagnosed with tendonitis brought on by gardening work. Which means my arms and shoulders hurt so much that I have no strength to do much work. Also I have carpal tunnel syndrome in both hands, ouch! which explains why I can't knit at the moment either. But I did make a trip to Gerber's nursery last week and bought two plants. Gerbers used to be a busy nursery but it looks as if they are downsizing. The owners died and the son lives 4 hours away, I don't think he has the interest to keep the family business going.
In this bed are some annual lavatera that I grew from seed. They look like malva flowers.
Close up of the meadow sweet.
Daylilies and phlox in the same bed.
Japanese bottle brush planted last year as bare roots.
A couple of balloon flowers that need staking.
The weigela bed with pink yarrow planted last year and some new golden yarrow planted yesterday. A rogue black-eye susan is growing here, I will leave it undisturbed.
Annabelle hydrangea, now three years old. On the right is pink yarrow, on the left feverfew and in front some monarda and fuchsia veronica. The feathery foliage is Pasque flower.
A new Strawberry Sundae hydrangea planted this year. Behind is tickseed in the gingko bed.
The echinacea have begun to bloom, and the black-eye susans will be next.
I love these flowers.
Firelight hydrangea, looking much better than last year. It is fuller and has more blooms.
One of many dahlias coming on in the garden.
Bright coral phlox bought this year at Home Hardware.
Borage in the vegetable bed.
The main tomato bed, disappointing this year. Not many tomatoes on the plants. But the scarlet runner beans are looking great.
A container of nasturtiums next to the apple tree.
Some novel echinacea in the bed behind the garage.
Some dahlias behind the garage.
The gingko bed filled with cosmos that aren't blooming. I have no idea why, they look healthy and I grew these here last year successfully.
The butterfly bush did come back.
Another view of the tomato bed.
The cherry tomato bed, also not producing like last year.