A chilly -6 degrees Celsius here this morning and with a brisk wind. April is a fickle month, it feels as if it should be spring, but the sun deceives you and lures you outside just to blast you with winter temps.
Plenty of seedlings popping up. At the top are pansies, then snap dragons, shasta daisies. At the left are cherry tomatoes and in front are two containers of sweet peas and one of coleus seedlings.
Then on the shelves are tomatoes, more snapdragons, a flat of petunias. Middle shelf has nicotiana and giant asters in the first tray, then zinnias and lupins in paper pots in the second tray. And on the bottom shelf are cosmos and more sweet peas on the left, and African daisies on the right.
As for winter sowing, I haven't seen a single sprout yet. The soil seems frozen so perhaps something will happen, but I am doubtful. I think there should be some sign of life by now.
Then on the knitting side (lots of things going on during this pandemic lockdown), I finished a second version of an Aran cardigan. I don't even remember when I started this. But during this quarantine with coronavirus, I finished the two sleeves and am blocking the back and one sleeve in this photo below.
All that is left to do once the sweater is blocked, is to sew it together and knit a collar which should be fairly quick. The buttonholes are already made and there is no band to knit down the openings on the fronts. I have made this pattern once before but it was too snug on me and I gave it to one of my daughters.
This is a photo of the first version as copied from a Ravelry post. It's rather nice, if I say so myself. Can you spot the error in the finished cardigan? hint - it's one of the cables on the right side of the buttons. Oops, held the cable needle in front when it should have been behind.