Thursday, May 28, 2020

Summer has arrived


The apple tree has blossoms!  It was planted three years ago and is coming into its own.

This was the very first thing I planted in this garden so I am particularly fond of it.

In the corner of the back deck, some tulips and daffodils share the space with forget-me-nots and behind them is the climbing hydrangea which is slowly making its way up the lattice.

The garlic bed into which I put some leftover daffodil bulbs. They are doing better than any others.

The Montmorency cherry tree, now in its second year, it has blossoms too.

Tulips in the far corner bed, that I call the weigela bed. For obvious reasons.

And the seedlings, now outdoors, question is where to put them. Cosmos will go with the gingko tree, and snap dragons around the clematis but there are many more to dig in. 

Our weather has gone insane and we are in the middle of a heat wave. Yesterday it was 33 degrees Celsius which is 91.4 Fahrenheit. But the humidity made it feel like 39 degrees which is 102 Fahreheit. The poor dog had to be forced indoors for her own safety. 

Friday, May 8, 2020

Seedlings waiting

These plants want to get outside into sunshine and warmth. 

A dozen Celebrity tomatoes, 9 cherry tomato plants
a dozen cosmos, zinnia, asters, lupins, african daisies, shasta daisies, nicotiana, coleus, snap dragons, sweet peas and at least  2 dozen petunias

Come on summer weather, you are desperately needed here.

Snow in May!

A cruel joke.  4 inches of snow fell overnight, temperatures were below freezing.  And just yesterday, I got all my pots and planters out ready for summer flowers.

I think the farmers call this spring fertilizer as they like the last snow to melt slowly and saturate the ground with moisture just before sowing their crops.

Sunday, May 3, 2020

First Spring Flowers

We wait a long time for flowers in this zone 3B so pardon me if I think this small display is just wonderful to behold.

So glad I added more crocus to this bed last fall. Must add many more for next year. These are the very first flowers to bloom here. Right next to the remaining snow banks. 

And glory-of-the-snow in this small bed. Chionodoxa is their biological name.  Must put in more of these as well. Once they bloom, they just fade away so you don't have to deal with dying foliage as you do with daffs and tulips. 

I have also transplanted the tomato seedlings into larger pots where they will continue to grow until it is time to put them into the garden. There are 12 Celebrity tomato plants and 9 cherry tomatoes. I also weeded another raised bed yesterday and was surprised to find it was frozen just 4 inches below the surface. This bed will be planted with potatoes if I can find some seed potatoes for sale. 

New Landscape Quilt

The other landscape quilt isn't panning out, I just can't get into it so I thought put it away for another day. So I started o...